报告题目: Antisymmetric sums and traces associated with quotient modules
报 告 人: 夏经博 教授
报告人所在单位: SUNY Buffalo
报告日期: 2024-01-09
报告时间: 14:00-15:00
报告地点: 光华东主楼2001

We consider the quotient module Q of the Hardy module H2(S) defined by an analytic set M ̃ satisfying certain conditions. Denote d = dimCM ̃ . Solving a previously- raised problem, we show that certain 2d-antisymmetric sums of module operators are in the trace class. In the case d = 1, we derive a trace formula on Q, which answers another previously-raised question.


本年度学院报告总序号: 1066

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